Expert Medical Care for Travel and Tropical Diseases
As Switzerland’s leading centre of excellence for tropical and travel medicine, we have a team of specialist doctors covering the entire spectrum of travel and tropical diseases with their expertise.
Health problems after your trip? Contact our experts
If you feel unwell after a trip abroad or have symptoms of illness such as fever, persistent diarrhoea or skin problems, we recommend you make an appointment with us. Our experienced specialists take the time to provide a thorough examination and advice tailored to your individual situation.
Fast and competent diagnosis
The Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine together with the Diagnostic Centre of Swiss TPH serves as the National Centre for Human Parasitic Diseases. We can diagnose even rare and elusive diseases quickly and expertly and timely initiate the most effective treatment strategies to ensure that you get the treatment you need at the right time.
Expert network
As the medical services unit of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), we are part of Switzerland’s largest public health research institute and have access to expert knowledge from a wide range of specialist areas. We are in continuous contact with healthcare facilities, hospitals and cantonal authorities and are often consulted in an advisory role due to our expertise.
Charges for the treatment of travel illnesses are based on the Health Insurance Act (KVG).